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Conflict of Interest Policy


1. Purpose: 

The purpose of this Conflict of Interest Policy is to ensure that the activities and decisions of 4 The Fallen are conducted with integrity, transparency, and in the best interest of the organization, its mission, and its stakeholders. 


2. Scope: 

This policy applies to all directors, officers, volunteers, and any individuals or entities affiliated with 4 The Fallen. 


3. Definitions: 

• “Conflict of Interest”: Any situation in which an individual’s personal interests or loyalties could potentially, or appear to, interfere with their ability to act in the best interest of 4 The Fallen. 

• “Related Party”: Any individual who has a familial, financial, or personal relationship with a director, officer, employee, or volunteer of 4 The Fallen, which could potentially influence decision-making. 


4. Disclosure: 

All directors, officers, employees, volunteers, and related parties are required to disclose any actual or potential conflicts of interest in writing to the Board of Directors. This disclosure must include all relevant facts about the conflict or potential conflict. 


5. Evaluation and Recusal: 

Upon receipt of a disclosure, the Board of Directors shall evaluate the conflict of interest and determine the appropriate course of action. Individuals with a conflict of interest may be asked to recuse themselves from any discussions or decisions related to the conflicted matter. 


6. Procedures: 

• Conflicted individuals may provide information regarding the conflict, but they shall not participate in the decision-making process related to the matter in question. 

• Conflicts of interest shall be managed and resolved in a manner that is fair, transparent, and in accordance with the best interests of 4 The Fallen. 


7. Documentation: 

All disclosures, evaluations, and actions taken regarding conflicts of interest shall be documented in writing and maintained in the organization’s records. 


8. Annual Review: 

This Conflict of Interest Policy shall be reviewed annually by the Board of Directors to ensure its effectiveness and relevance. Any necessary revisions shall be made accordingly. 


9. Compliance: 

Failure to comply with this policy may result in disciplinary action, up to and including termination of affiliation with 4 The Fallen. 


10. Legal and Ethical Standards: 

All individuals affiliated with 4 The Fallen shall adhere to all applicable legal and ethical standards, including but not limited to laws governing conflicts of interest and fiduciary duties. 


11. Confidentiality: 

Information disclosed regarding conflicts of interest shall be treated with confidentiality to the extent possible, while still allowing for proper evaluation and resolution of the conflict. 


By adopting and adhering to this Conflict of Interest Policy, 4 The Fallen reaffirms its commitment to upholding the highest standards of integrity, accountability, and ethical conduct in all aspects of its operations and decision-making processes. 


P O Box 2902

Olympia, WA 98507

501(C)(3) EIN: 47-2370931

© 2017   4 THE FALLEN

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